SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY { LOW | NORMAL | @deadlock_var } @deadlock_var Is a character variable specifying the deadlock-handling method. @deadlock_var is 3 if LOW is specified, and 6 if NORMAL is…
With the help of a friendly member, his nickname is "Taek" , of "MSSQL User Group", I could find the useful newsgroup aggregation. There is a lot of information. Additionally…
I finally registered for one of required tests, named “Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition “. As it will be held this Friday night at…
Use the locks option to set the maximum number of available locks, thereby limiting the amount of memory Microsoft® SQL Server™ uses for locks. The default setting is 0, which…
Under certain circumstances, you may need to start an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ in single-user mode using the startup option -m. For example, you may want to change server…
Following commands allow you to modify system tables. sp_configure ‘allow updates’,1 go reconfigure with override go It is highy recommanded that you restart the MSSQL instance in a single user…
I found the excessively useful document, describing how to use a SQL Profiler. This is a well-made thing. Click this. You can also download a pdf-converted file. Download How_To__Use_SQL_Profiler.pdf
Displays or changes the automatic UPDATE STATISTICS setting for a specific index and statistics, or for all indexes and statistics for a given table or indexed view in the current…
Creating UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY Constraints on Computed Columns Posted: July 02, 2001 This tip is one of a series from SQL Server Magazine. For additional tips, visit the…
Computed columns can only use constants, functions, and other columns in the same table. A computed column can't use a column of another table.