돈까스돈비국수명태문어비빔밥 자주 가는 식당이다. 아이가 좋아하고 우리 가족 모두가 좋아한다. 친절하고 맛있고 계절마다 조금씩 바뀌는 메뉴가 하나같이 맛난다. 가을 신작인 육개장은 동나서 한번 놓쳤지만 이번 주에는 맛볼 기회가 있겠지.
2016년에 쓴 아이허브 추천 제품에 몇 가지 추가해본다. 여름에 시원하게 마시는 차 Tazo Teas, Passion, Herbal Tea, Tazo Teas, Wild Sweet Orange, Herbal Tea Twinings, Cold Brewed Iced Tea 기타…
Programming C++ API Design for C++ Fundations of C++/CLI: The VIsual C++ Language for .NET 3.51 Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition) by…
‘The Art of Readable Code’ describes how to write code easy to read. Readability does not neccessarily mean it has to be short and concise. Contrary to the common sense,…
Hackers. My definition of them is very simple and clear. They must be pathetic losers without a decent girl friend. If you had so much talent, you probably want to…
(via OUCH! Only 29% Of Microsoft Employees Approve Of Steve Ballmer) I like him. It’s sad that he couldn’t fully show his potential.
“Boredom can paradoxically be a very strong motivator for people to seek out unpleasant yet meaningful tasks, such as blood donations, against meaningless but pleasant behaviour,” he said. “It does not promote engagement in meaningless yet plea...
Prerequisite All of procedures in this document were tested on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition. Review Board depends on Linux-based open source projects like Python, Apache, MySql, and etc. All…