단어 정리

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  • Post last modified:October 12, 2004

cut corners
to save time, money, or energy by doing things quickly and not as carefully as you should
Don’t try to cut corners when you’re decorating.

elevator music
the type of music that is played in shops and public places, and is usually thought to be boring

a sudden feeling that you would like to do or have something, especially when there is no important or good reason

1. very thin and pale, especially because of illness or continued worry
the old man’s gaunt face
2. a building, mountain etc that is gaunt looks very plain and unpleasant
a gaunt cathedral

Author Details
Kubernetes, DevSecOps, AWS, 클라우드 보안, 클라우드 비용관리, SaaS 의 활용과 내재화 등 소프트웨어 개발 전반에 도움이 필요하다면 도움을 요청하세요. 지인이라면 가볍게 도와드리겠습니다. 전문적인 도움이 필요하다면 저의 현업에 방해가 되지 않는 선에서 협의가능합니다.
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