The Art of Readable Code
‘The Art of Readable Code’ describes how to write code easy to read. Readability does not neccessarily mean it has to be short and concise. Contrary to the common sense,…
February 23, 2012
‘The Art of Readable Code’ describes how to write code easy to read. Readability does not neccessarily mean it has to be short and concise. Contrary to the common sense,…
C# 쓰다가 C++ 코딩을 하다 보면 불편한 점이 한두 가지가 아닌데, 그 중 하나가 Chain Constructors 패턴을 적용하기 어렵다는 점이다. C#에선 간단하게 Chain Constructors 패턴을 구현해 코드 중복을 최소로 줄일…