ATi Catalyst Suite 7.6 Released ~*

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  • Post last modified:December 7, 2020

> ATi Catalyst™ 7.6은 다음을 포함합니다 :

    * Radeon™ display driver 8.383
    * Multimedia Center™ 9.16
    * HydraVision™
    * HydraVision™ Basic Edition
    * Remote Wonder 3.04
    * WDM Driver Install Bundle
    * Southbridge/IXP Driver
    * Catalyst™ Control Center Version 7.6

!! Catalyst™ 드라이버와 ATi Catalyst Control Center™는 독립적으로 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 하지만 최상의 안정성과 성능을 위해서 AMD는 두 컴포넌트의 동일한 릴리즈 조합의 업데이트를 권장합니다.

!! CCC는 Microsoft .NET Framework 버젼 2.0이 설치되어 있어야 함을 요구합니다. .NET 2.0이 설치되지 않은 상태에서 CCC는 정상적으로 작동하지 않으며 사용자는 에러 메시지를 보게 될 것입니다.

! 이 릴리즈 노트는 Radeon™  디스플레이 드라이버에 대한 정보만을 제공합니다. ATI Multimedia Center™, HydraVision™, HydraVision Basic Edition, WDM, Remote Wonder™ 또는 Southbridge/IXP driver에 대한 정보는 다음의 장소에서 각각의 릴리즈 노트를 참고하시기 바랍니다. :

> AMD 제품 지원

다음의 ATI Radeon™ 제품에 대해 32bit와 64bit 버젼의 Microsoft Windows Vista 운영체제 모두를 지원하는 Catalyst™ Vista 드라이버를 제공합니다.

AMD Desktop Product Family Support for both Windows Vista and XP
ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 series ATI Radeon™ X850 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series ATI Radeon™ X800 series
ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 series ATI Radeon™ X700 series
ATI Radeon™ X1950 series ATI Radeon™ X600 series
ATI Radeon™ X1900 series ATI Radeon™ X550 series
ATI Radeon™ X1800 series ATI Radeon™ X300 series
ATI Radeon™ X1650 series ATI Radeon™ 9800 series
ATI Radeon™ X1600 series ATI Radeon™ 9700 series
ATI Radeon™ X1550 series ATI Radeon™ 9600 series
ATI Radeon™ X1300 series ATI Radeon™ 9500 series
ATI Radeon™ X1050 series

AMD Multimedia Family Product Support for both Windows Vista and XP
ATI All-in-Wonder® X1900 Series ATI All-in-Wonder™ X600 Series
ATI All-in-Wonder® X1800 Series ATI Theater™ 550 PRO
ATI All-in-Wonder® 2006 Edition ATI All-in-Wonder® 9800 Series
ATI All-in-Wonder™ X800 Series ATI All-in-Wonder™ 9600 Series
ATI Theater 650™

! ATI All-in-Wonder™ 보드는 Windows Vista 운영 체제에서 AMD의 Windows Vista ready 디스플레이 그리고 캡쳐 드라이버와 함께 동작 합니다. Windows Vista Media Center 어플리케이션은 TV/캡쳐 기능을 지원하지 않지만 ATI All-in-Wonder™ TV/캡쳐 기능은 Windows Vista를 위한 SnapStream의 BeyondTV 4.6이 적합한 기능을 지원합니다. 다른 써드파티 솔루션(Arcsoft의 Total Media 3와 같은)은 아마도 ATI All-in-Wonder™의 TV/캡쳐 기능을 지원 하겠지만 AMD를 통해 완벽히 테스트 되진 않았습니다.

AMD Chipset Product Support
ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1250 Series ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1150 Series
ATI Radeon™ X1250 Series ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1100 Series
ATI Radeon™ X1200 Series ATI Radon™ Xpress 200 Series
AMD 580X series chipset

> 지원되는 운영 체제들

최신 버젼의 Catalyst™ 소프트웨어는 다음의 Microsoft Windows 플렛폼을 지원합니다:

.Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit versions)
.Windows XP Professional
.Windows XP Home Edition
.Windows XP Media Center Edition (graphics driver support only)

! Catalyst™ Vista 드라이버를 Windows Vista에 설치할 때 Catalyst™ Vista 드라이버의 설치를 성공적으로 완료하기 위해서는 반드시 관리자 또는 관리자의 권한을 갖는 사용자 계정으로 접속해야 합니다.

!! Vista 운영체제(32 bit 와 64 bit)에서 드라이버를 설치를 완료했을때 아마도 한번은 드라이버 로그 파일이 ATI T200 Unified AVStream Driver가 설치에 실패했다고 알릴 겁니다. 시스템을 재부팅해서 문제를 하결하십시오.

> 퍼포먼스 향상

ATI Radeon™ HD2900 XT의 크로스파이어 구성시 Half-Life 2: Episode 1과 Dark Messiah Might and Magic의 퍼포먼스가 증가 하였습니다. HDR 활성화 시 16% 또는 그 이상의 향상을 보실 수 있습니다.

> ATi의 Folding@Home

Folding@Home 은 스탠포드 대학이 디자인한 분산 컴퓨팅 프로젝트 입니다. 어플리케이션은 단백질 폴딩의 강력한 시뮬레이션을 수행합니다. 이 시뮬레이션은 연구원들이 정확한 발병의 원인을 밝히는데 도움을 줍니다. Folding@Home의 단백질 폴딩 시뮬레이션은 작업 부하를 작은 작업 단위들로 쪼개고 인터넷 넘어의 수백만대의 컴퓨터에 분산시키는 분산 컴퓨팅을 사용합니다. 당신은 수많은 질병들의 치료법을 찾는데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 다음 순서에 따라 Folding@Home에 동참 하십시오:

   1. ATi의 Catalyst™ 소프트웨어 꾸러미를 받습니다.
   2. Folding@Home GPU 클라이언트 어플리케이션을 받습니다.

! 만약 ATI Radeon™ X1600 또는 그 이상의 제품을 가지고 있지 않다면 CPU 클라이언트를 받으십시오. 만약 ATI Radeon™ X1600 또는 그 이상의 제품을 가지고 있다면 CPU “Graphical client”와 혼동하지 마시고 GPU 클라이언트(콘솔 또는 GUI 버젼의)를 받으십시오.

   3. ATi 팀 번호 51394를 입력하시고 폴딩을 시작하십시오!

Folding@Home에 대해 좀더 많은 정보를 원하시면 다음의 사이트를 방문하시기 바랍니다:

Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System

Thissection provides information on resolved issues in this release of theATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:

  • Installingthe display driver under the Windows Vista operating system no longerresults in the display resolutions of 1680×1050, 1800×1440, 1920x1080and 1920×1200 not being available when using an analog CRT displaydevice. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27464
  • IL2 Sturmovik->ForgottenBattles: Setting the in-game hardware options to custom and landscapedetail to perfect no longer results in the water textures appearingcorrupt when playing the game under the Windows Vista operating system.Further details can be found in topic number 737-26687
  • Quake4: Playing the game with CrossFire enabled no longer result incorruption being noticed after a short time of game play. Furtherdetails can be found in topic number 737-28172
  • TheOverdrive™ clocks no longer fails to revert back to the defaultsettings and the Apply and Discard buttons no longer become enabledwhen changing the clock settings for both the primary and secondarydisplay devices. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27619
  • Playinga DVD using either WinDVD or PowerDVD no longer results in corruptionbeing noticed if the players is rotated to any position other thanlandscape. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27463
  • Connectinga secondary display device and enabling extended desktop mode no longerresults in changes being made to the secondary display device beingreflected on the primary display device. Further details can be foundin topic number 737-27460
  • SettingUMA to 512MB and enabling AERO no longer results in screen corruptionbeing noticed when booting up Windows Vista on systems containing anATI Radeon X1200/1250 series of product. Further details can be foundin topic number 737-28173
  • EnablingDXVA no longer results in a slow response time being noticed whenplaying a DVD on a system running Windows Vista and containing an ATIRadeon Xpress 1200/1250 series of product. Further details can be foundin topic number 737-28175
  • Anerror message is no longer reported when attempting to enable CrossFireon a system containing the Intel Gen2 chipset. Further details can befound in topic number 737-28177
  • Playingan HD DVD and attempting to do a random seek or change to a differentchapter of the movie no longer results in corruption being noticed.Further details can be found in topic number 737-28179

Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System

Thissection provides information on resolved issues in this release of theATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows XP. These include:

  • Armed Assault:A handle count leak is no longer noticed during game play in TaskManager. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27467
  • Thesystem no longer become unresponsive and require a reboot whilerandomly moving Video Player window from primary to extended desktopunder certain hardware configurations where the second adapter is anATI Radeon X1200/1250/1270 series of product. Further details can befound in topic number 737-27092.
  • Connectinga secondary display device followed by enabling extended desktop modeno longer results in a VPU Recover occurring when playing a DVD on thesecondary display device using WinDVD. Further details can be found intopic number 737-28184
  • ThePAL-M and NTSC-J are no longer missing from TV-format list found in theATI Catalyst Control Center. Further details can be found in topicnumber 737-28185

Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System

Thissection provides information on known issues associated with the ATICatalyst™ Vista RTM driver for both the 32bit and 64bit versions of theMicrosoft Windows Vista operating system. These include:

  • Playinga DVD under the Windows Vista operating system using the Windows MediaPlayer may result in the DVD failing to play when switching betweendisplay devices using the hot-key function. Further details can befound in topic number 737-24472. This issue is resolved in Catalyst 7.7
  • Resumingfrom an S3 state may result in a longer than expected time for theWindows Vista operating system to resume. Further details can be foundin topic number 737-25798
  • Hot-plugginga CRT to a system running Windows Vista and containing an ATI Radeon™X1100/1150 series of product may result in extended desktop modefailing to be applied. Further details can be found in topic number737-2580. This issue is resolved in Catalyst 7.8
  • Thedesktop shortcut to the Catalyst Control Center may disappear afterperforming a Windows Anytime Upgrade on some hardware configurationsrunning Vista. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27078.This issue is resolved in Catalyst 7.7
  • EnablingCrossFire™ followed by disconnecting and then reconnecting the CRTdisplay device may result in duplicate video options being seen withinthe Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topicnumber 737-27457. This issue is resolved in Catalyst 7.8
  • Catalyst™ Control Center->Overdrive™:The Overdrive™ setting are not retained for individual accounts. Thisissue may also be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system.Further details can be found in topic number 737-25805
  • EnablingCrossFire™ followed by setting AA to 14x and AF to 16x may result inthe AA showing a setting of 0x level when disabling CrossFire™ andunchecking the AA option in the 3D aspect. Further details can be foundin topic number 737-27458. This issue is resolved in Catalyst 7.8
  • Makingchanges to the Color aspect found in the Catalyst™ Control Centerwithout applying the changes may result in the Reactivate ATI colorcontrols button remaining active after the Catalyst™ Control Center isclosed and then re-launched. Further details can be found in topicnumber 737-27459. This issue is resolved in Catalyst 7.8
  • TheRecord function currently fails to work when using an ATI All-In-WonderX1300 and time shifting is enabled. Further information can be found intopic number 737-22014
  • Ablank screen may be displayed after unchecking all the Component Videoformats except when the 480i30 custom mode is applied. Further detailscan be found in topic number 737-27620
  • EnablingCrossFire™ followed by setting the Overdrive™ clocks to their maximumsettings may result in the Catalyst™ Control Center failing toaccurately report the requested Overdrive™ values. Further details canbe found in topic number 737-27621. This issue is resolved in Catalyst7.8
  • Agreen or black screen may be displayed when configuring MCE to ATSCmode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27622
  • Settingthe Avivo Video De-interlacing setting to auto, motion adaptive orvector adaptive may result in certain DVDs, menu videos and somespecial features failing to benefit from the options. Further detailscan be found in topic number 737-27196

Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include:

  • EnablingCrossFire™ in the Radeon™ HD2900 XT will result in an error message andCrossfire will not actually be enabled. Further information and ahotfix for this issue can be found in topic number 737-28188.
  • EnablingCrossFire™ may result in display corruption being noticed when playinga DVD or media clip using either WinDVD 7, Windows Media Player orPowerDVD 6. Further details can be found in topic number 737-22806
  • Catalyst™ Control Center->OverDrive™:The OverDrive™ setting are not retained for individual accounts. Thisissue may also be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system.Further details can be found in topic number 737-25805
  • Launchingthe release notes under the Japanese or Chinese version of Windows mayresult in the release notes displaying a blank page. This issue mayalso be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system. Furtherdetails can be found in topic number 737-26749. This issue is resolvedin Catalyst 7.7
  • Somepixilated corruption may be observed while running the game Prey whilehovering over the health packs from a distance on some hardwareconfigurations running Win XP. Further details can be found in topicnumber 737-27091
  • Thesystem may become unresponsive and require a reboot while randomlymoving Video Player window from primary to extended desktop undercertain hardware configurations where the second adapter is an ATIRadeon™ X1200/1250/1270 series of product. Further details can be foundin topic number 737-27092
  • Connectingtwo display devices to an ATI Radeon™ X1600 series product may resultin the device manager failing to detect the secondary display device.Further information may be found in topic number 737-21266
  • Corruptionmay be noticed when playing certain DVD titles when hardwareacceleration is enabled on ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 XT product. Furtherdetails can be found in topic number 737-27624

다운로드 : ATi.AMD.com의 메인페이지의 드라이버 & 소프트웨어 페이지를 참고 하시기 바랍니다.

ATI Catalyst™ Crew Driver Feedback

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Linus Lee aka y1sh former sysop during 2001-2012. DevSecOps Engineer who likes tech, science, programming and solving problems 🙂
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