You Are Possibly Very Annoying
Dustin Aleksiuk wrote an article, which I 100% agree with. You Are Possibly Very Annoying Have you ever met someone who is difficult to be around? Maybe this annoying person…
Dustin Aleksiuk wrote an article, which I 100% agree with. You Are Possibly Very Annoying Have you ever met someone who is difficult to be around? Maybe this annoying person…
Mike Robert wrote down a guideline of .NET development tree. It is very well-organized documentation. I’m reading it now. Link Download PDF
Naresh Jain compared ‘Software development’ to ‘Trekking’. 6. No two software projects are same, as in the case of treks. Infact, keeping the team and project the same, the second…
Click! Microsoft Newgroup
어제 저녁 퇴근 후에 바로 대전으로 직행했다. 회사에서도 그렇고 대전 가는 길에서도 좋지 않은 일이 있었지만, 그럭저럭 무사히 도착했다. 동아리 사람들과 나가서 회 먹고, 돌아오니 01시 무렵이었다. 동아리 방으로 와서…