배철수의 음악 캠프

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  • Post last modified:February 8, 2020


http://www.imbc.com/broad/radio/fm4u/musiccamp/index.html >

이번에도 영어로 써볼까? ^_^

I’ve never gone to the site of ‘Bae Chul-Su’s Music Camp’ for 5 or 6 months.

Today, I visit it and see a picture above. As soon as I get this, I come to like it.

His face make me feel easy, because his one is not quiet cool.

But his white hair make him grave and gentle.

Of course, I have another reason why I like him.

I think that he is one of the best radio jockeys.

He have more than 10 years career as a radio jockey.

Most Korean does not say what he really thinks and how he feels. They never say something bad.

For example, you can’t hear stuff like ‘I don’t like this.’ or ‘I think he won’t make it.’

People in air always say good one.

However,  I wouldn’t hear his lies. I love his honesty.

I sure that you can’ t help falling in Bae Chul-Su’s Music Camp only if you listen it.

잘못된 표현을 정정해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 더 멋진 표현도 좋습니다. ^_^

— 블로그 이전하기 전 코멘트


으음. 찾아보니 FM Disk Jockey라고 하면 되겠네. 2004/01/31 21:25

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