Facebook’s Little Red Book | Office of Ben Barry
As the company of Facebook grew, we faced a lot of challenges. One of them was explaining our company's mission, history, and culture to new employees. Over the years, a…
As the company of Facebook grew, we faced a lot of challenges. One of them was explaining our company's mission, history, and culture to new employees. Over the years, a…
스타트업을 차린다면 어떤 도구가 필요할까 싶어 몇 가지 조사해봤다. 문자 채팅 GTalk 일반적으로 스타트업은 Google Business Apps를 이용하기 때문에 GTalk를 사내 메신저로 쓰면 별도의 작업을 하지 않아도 된다. HipChat 인당…