원글을 쓴 Joe Beda는 Google 직원인 것 같다. ‘Build to Last’라는 책을 보면, 모토롤라에서 20% time 제도를 도입했다고 한다. Google이 모토롤라로부터 아이디어를 얻었는지는 모르겠다.
There is a big difference between pet projects being permitted and being encouraged. At Google it is actively encouraged for engineers to do a 20% project. This isn’t a matter of doing something in your spare time, but more of actively making time for it. Heck, I don’t have a good 20% project yet and I need one. If I don’t come up with something I’m sure it could negatively impact my review.
Can 20% time work at other companies? I’m sure that there are going to be others that try. However, I think that it is important to realize that it is a result of an environment and philosophy to development more than a cause. I don’t think that it is something that can be imposed in an independent way.
일부만 발췌해왔다. 사실 나도 몇달 전(‘Build to Last’ 읽은 후)부터 One code base와 20% time 개념을 생각해왔다. 구글이 이미 이런 환경을 갖춰 놓았다니 놀라지 않을 수 없다.