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기간: 2019-06-10 ~ 2019-08-25
- How One Word Transformed My Marriage – Human Parts
“I thought marriage would transform my boyfriend into the fantasy husband I’d always wanted. When he didn’t change, I decided to see our relationship in a new way: He was my gift, not my burden.” - 전동 스쿠터가 환경 친화적인 개인용 이동 수단이라고? – 테크잇
“MIT테크놀로지리뷰에 노스캐롤라이나 주립대학 연구원들이 쓴 논문을 인용해 전동 스쿠터의 친환경성에 물음표플 던지는 기사가 최근 실렸다.” via Pocket on August 22, 2019 at 09:10AM - How to Use the Mobile Hotspot and Wi-Fi Sharing on Galaxy S10, Note 10 • Wi-Fi Settings
“How to configure and use the Mobile Hotspot feature on Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+/S10e/Note 10 on Android 9 Pie and make your mobile phone act as a wireless router for sharing the Internet.” via Pocket on August 23, 2019 at 05:16PM - Browser Settings Too Complex? Let Firefox Handle That for You
“Browser Settings Too Complex? Let Firefox Handle That for You” https://ift.tt/2HmiW8B - Using for_each in Terraform in modules – Joseph D. Marhee – Medium
I recommended “Using for_each in Terraform in modules” on@Medium
https://ift.tt/2MXenFm - Go’s wrapped return pattern to clean up objects with background goroutines
I recommended “Go’s wrapped return pattern to clean up objects with background goroutines” on@Medium
https://ift.tt/2ZGvr5X - Storing team passwords with gopass – Mario Fernández – Medium
I recommended “Storing team passwords with gopass | Mario Fernandez” on@Medium
https://ift.tt/2MLZDcp - Go: Vet Command Is More Powerful Than You Think – Vincent Blanchon – Medium
I recommended “Go: Vet Command Is More Powerful Than You Think” on@Medium
https://ift.tt/2MGRoyo - Dating in Japan never used to be this difficult — or creepy | The Japan Times
I know, I know (わかってるって, wakatterutte). It’s spring, which follows that this is the ren’ai no kisetsu (恋愛の季節, season of love) all over the archipelago. It’s actually one of the few times in the year when it’s OK to think about love, sex and all the garnishings. via Pocket - “화이트국 韓 빼지 말고 아세안 넣어라” ARF서 역공당한 고노 | Daum 뉴스
“한국을 화이트 리스트에서 뺄 것이 아니라, 아세안 국가들도 화이트 리스트에 넣는 게 맞지 않나.” via Pocket on August 02, 2019 at 08:16PM - Head-To-Head: Russia, Japan, South Korea, and China Face-Off in the Skies over the Pacific | The National Interest
“Head-To-Head: Russia, Japan, South Korea, and China Face-Off in the Skies over the Pacific” - The Fall of the Economists’ Empire by Robert Skidelsky – Project Syndicate
“The goal of economics is to replace the particular languages that obstruct the discovery of general laws with the universal language of mathematics. This is the apotheosis of a Western conceit that can no longer be sustained by Western power.” via Pocket on July 26, 2019 at 06:18PM - A 2019 Booker Prize nominee is just one 1,000-page-long sentence — Quartzy
“One of this year’s Booker Prize nominees is just a 1,000-page-long sentence” via Pocket on July 26, 2019 at 11:30AM - Shinzo Abe’s Underhanded Trade War Against South Korea | The National Interest
“Shinzo Abe’s Underhanded Trade War Against South Korea” - Gentle Bytes – Startupizer 2 – powerful login items handler
Startupizer’s items list presents nicely packed information about an item, including larger icon for easier identification. You can change items execution order by simply dragging them around. via Pocket - Why Are Japan and South Korea in a Trade Fight? – Foreign Policy
Two key U.S. allies in Northeast Asia are at loggerheads—not with China or North Korea but with each other. Since the beginning of July, when Japan restricted exports of critical materials used in South Korea’s high-tech industry, the two countries have waged an escalating war of words. via Pocket - Nutrition Science Is Broken. This New Egg Study Shows Why.
“It’s been a tortuous path for the humble egg. For much of our history, it was a staple of the American breakfast — as in, bacon and eggs.” via Pocket - 자판기폰 KaiOS 는 어떻게 세계 3위의 폰 플랫폼이 되었나 : 허브ZUM
“자판기폰 KaiOS 는 어떻게 세계 3위의 폰 플랫폼이 되었나 — 복점(複占, duopoly)이라는 단어의 대표적 사례로 사람들은 스마트폰을 든다. 너나 할 것 없이 안드로이드 아니면 아이폰이니, 고인 물 그대로 10년이 흘렀다. 그런데도 3위의 자리는 없었다.” via Pocket on July 16, 2019 at 09:16PM - 광고 차단앱 – Dns66 – No Fun, No Moment
광고, 광고, 광고… 아버지 가끔 아버지 핸드폰을 보면 엄청나게 많은 프로그램들이 깔려있다. 대부분은 게임, 또는 랜덤채팅같은 앱 아버진 도대체 뭘 하고 계신거야? -_-; 귀찮아, 좀 사라져~ 아무렇게나 터치, 터치.. via Pocket - Untitled (https://medium.com/@gyiakoumis/esni-dns-over-https-will-change-networking-here-is-why-7387dd580140)
“ESNI & DNS over HTTPS will change networking — here is why.” by Yiannis Yiakoumis - Asia Times | Japan’s debt passes 250% of GDP | Article
““Santa Claus territory.” That is how Charles Gave of Gavekal Research views renewed debate about how a concept known as “Modern Monetary Theory” can save capitalism.” via Pocket on July 12, 2019 at 09:59PM - 스티브 잡스는 애플에서 같은 일을 오래한 직원들을 우대했다 – 테크잇
“보고 들은 것도 그렇고, 개인적인 경험도 그렇고 때가 됐을때, 관리자가 되지 못하면 맘편하게 직장 생활하기가 어려운 것이 한국 기업들이다.” via Pocket on July 13, 2019 at 07:11PM - go의 과거형은 왜 went 일까? – No Fun, No Moment
“왜 그게 궁금해? 그런 건 그냥 넘어가자. 찾아보니.. Why is it “went,” not “goed”? 정리하면 go 와 비슷한 의미를 가진 wend 의 과거형이 went 다. go 의 과거형이 야리꾸리해서 걍 went 로 쓰는 사람이 많아졌다.” via Pocket - https 접속차단과 통신심의 정책의 문제점 | Open Net
“방송통신위원회는 2019. 2. 12. SNI 차단 방식을 도입하여 https 접속 방식의 해외 불법 사이트에 대한 접속차단을 강화하였다고 밝혔다.” via Pocket - Xiaomi explains more about how its under-screen camera actually works – The Verge
“The fight over notches is quickly becoming a thing of the past, with companies like Oppo and Xiaomi already working on transparent display cameras that hide the sensor beneath the screen — no notch required.” via Pocket on June 06, 2019 at 11:29AM - How to Schedule Texts to Send Later with Samsung Messages « Android :: Gadget Hacks
Ideas can hit you out nowhere, but texting loved ones in the wee hours of the morning or during work hours isn’t always ideal, especially if they’ve muted their notifications. So you’ll want to send a message at a better time to ensure it gets the attention it deserves. via Pocket - Hong Kong Protests: Chinese Cyberattack Hit Telegram Messaging App During Demonstrations, Says CEO
“An encrypted messaging app that is being used to coordinate the mass protests bringing Hong Kong to a standstill was hit by a Chinese cyberattack as people took to the streets, the CEO of Telegram reports.” via Pocket
Author Details
Kubernetes, DevSecOps, AWS, 클라우드 보안, 클라우드 비용관리, SaaS 의 활용과 내재화 등 소프트웨어 개발 전반에 도움이 필요하다면 도움을 요청하세요. 지인이라면 가볍게 도와드리겠습니다. 전문적인 도움이 필요하다면 저의 현업에 방해가 되지 않는 선에서 협의가능합니다.
[…] ICYMI 웹 탐험 – 2019년 08월 25일 […]