DiskMaker X (formerly Lion DiskMaker) is an application built with AppleScript that you can use with many versions of OS X/macOS to build a bootable drive from OS X/macOS installer program (the one you download from the App Store). As soon as you launch the application, it tries to find the OS X Install program with Spotlight.
Hashicorp Vault 관련 글 찾다가 이 회사 블로그까지 들어왔네. DataDog 경쟁사 같은데 일단 싸네. 싸다. 싸.
I was trying to use a relative path home directory with mcuadros/terraform-provider-helm so that it would be portable to my CI system (currently Terraform Enterprise) and work for other developers….
Kubernetes 1.8: Security, Workloads and Feature Depth
Editor’s note: today’s post is by Aparna Sinha, Group Product Manager, Kubernetes, Google; Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate, CNCF; Jaice Singer DuMars, Kubernetes Ambassador, Microsoft; and Caleb Miles, Technical Program Manager, CoreOS on the latest release of Kubernetes 1.8. We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.8, our third release this year.
It comes as one single, batteries-included, static binary with no dependencies
Docker 컨테이너에서 텍스트 편집할 일 있을 때 쓰기 좋을 것 같다. Vim은 의존성이 많아서 설치하기 귀찮은데 이 건 바이너리를 curl로 다운로드 받으면 그만일테니.
After years of being left for dead, SQL today is making a comeback. How come? And what effect will this have on the data community? (Update: #1 on Hacker News! (Update 2: TimescaleDB is hiring! Open positions in Engineering, Marketing/Evangelism, and Office Management. Interested? ) Read the discussion here.
Signal test uses DRM to keep your contacts private
소셜 그래프, 그냥 쉽게 말해 휴대폰의 저장한 연락처를 이용해 친구를 찾을 때 연락처 정보가 어디선가 노출될 위험이 큰데 Signal은 적어도 서버측에서 연락처 정보를 처리할 때 좀더 안전한 방법을 강구해냈다. Intel 프로세서에 탑재한 SGX를 이용하여 개인 정보를 격리된 공간에서 처리하고 그 후에는 제거해버린다. DRM용으로 만든 기능을 사생활 보호에 쓰다니 기발하네.
To accomplish this task, it’s utilizing an Intel processor feature known as Software Guard Extensions, or SGX. Originally designed for DRM, the tech essentially allocates a “secure enclave” in a processor that is kept isolated from the rest of a computer’s operating system. The code running in that enclave is designated a unique key that only Intel can control.
In other words, no one (whether nefarious actors, or even Signal itself) will be able to access that data, at least theoretically. To accomplish this task, it’s utilizing an Intel processor feature known as Software Guard Extensions, or SGX.
Kubernetes, DevSecOps, AWS, 클라우드 보안, 클라우드 비용관리, SaaS 의 활용과 내재화 등 소프트웨어 개발 전반에 도움이 필요하다면 도움을 요청하세요. 지인이라면 가볍게 도와드리겠습니다. 전문적인 도움이 필요하다면 저의 현업에 방해가 되지 않는 선에서 협의가능합니다.
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